Saturday, 9 November 2024

I blame Biden


Someone has to take the fall. Whether you lose by one vote or three million, someone clearly didn’t do enough to win. 

So who’s responsible? I’m not one to point fingers, but since you asked, I place the blame squarely on Joseph Robinette Biden (yes, that is his middle name). 

It’s so obvious now that the election is over. How else could Democrats lose to an autocratic, mysoginistic, somewhat incoherent 78-year-old man? 

I ask you: Who didn’t bow out of the race until he absolutely had to? Biden! 

Who proposed Kamala Harris to be the only candidate for consideration? Biden! 

Who caused runaway inflation? Biden!! (Although I don’t really believe this, a case can be made!) 

I don’t blame Harris. She worked with what she had. Let’s be honest, she was appointed as vice president, then appointed as presidential candidate. She may not have been the best, but she was a good candidate with little time to prove her credentials to the American public. By entering the race, she immediately elevated Democrats' chances of winning. With Biden, they were expected to lose in a landslide. Instead, they almost won. 

But they still lost. A big loss, considering Democrats are also projected to lose Congress. A monumental loss, considering Donald Trump won’t have the same guardrails he did in his first presidency. He knows exactly who he wants to appoint and who he wants to prosecute. It’s a dangerous time for many Americans. 

Biden, like many politicians before him, let his ego get in the way of clear thinking. He thought only he could stop Trump, even though all polling showed otherwise. Doesn't he know a big ego only works for quasi-billionaires who build their persona through reality TV?

Democrats were in a bind from the beginning, but with Trump as the Republican nominee, they at least had a chance. In the end, it likely came down to the economy. Inflation and high interest rates made almost all Americans mad, but particularly those of the lower middle class, where every penny counts. These traditional Democrat voters, including many young people, were more than willing to roll the dice on another Trump presidency tariffs and all!

Biden will ride off into the sunset as an elder statesman who got what he always wanted – the presidency. After a storied career, one that involved tragedy and self-inflicted setbacks, he too was appointed to a great position of power under Barack Obama. Then, despite a dismal performance in the 2020 Democratic race, he was anointed the winner by some powerful voices in his party. At that time, he turned out to be a good choice. But only for a time. 

While he accomplished many things, he fell victim to an economic reality that was larger than any administration. He also fell victim to father time much sooner than he would have liked. No one likes to be told they’re too old to do anything, but he clearly was. That realization came much too late. 

And so another old man will take over to serve his termnot behind bars as once thought, but behind the Resolute Desk of the Oval Office. 

At least we hope it's one term. Because, as we know, dictators can live for a very long time.

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