I’ve watched a lot of good movies. And by that, I mean American elections. Yes, they are that entertaining – so much so that many real movies have been made about them. Primary Colors is a parody of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign; W. is a comedic look at the rise of George W. Bush; and Disney’s 2022 remake of Pinocchio is all about the Donald Trump presidency (or at least takes inspiration?)
have no idea what the 2024 election’s movie will be called, but thankfully,
it’s no longer Grumpy Old Men. We all know how that movie would
have ended. Thanks to Joe Biden’s less-than-stellar debate performance, at
least one old man (not the grumpy one, mind you) is no longer in the picture.
makes for a much richer plotline: The first Black woman running for president against, I would argue, a misogynistic and racist white dude. Now if
I were directing things, we would have had not one, but two women running for
the presidency. Nikki Haley would have won the Republican ticket, culminating in a
Harris-Haley showdown. That would be Oscar-worthy cinema – a race like none
other, to become America’s Wonder Woman! (I know, that's lame...
bear with me as I muddle through my movie references.)
with me for a moment: Two competent female candidates, where there’s no risk of
losing the race due to gender. A woman president would be guaranteed! Because,
as we know, whether Democrat or Republican, female candidates face an uphill battle that requires them to smile... a lot.
prevailing public sentiment, particularly in the U.S., suggests women are best in
“supporting roles” like first lady or vice president. We’re more comfortable
making movies about women who do significant work in the background like in Hidden
Figures, where three black women play a pivotal role in NASA’s early space
program. This is all good. But do women get lead roles when a giant asteroid is
heading for earth? I don’t think so. When facing Armageddon, that’s a
white guy’s job.
being a white male sends a message of confidence and success, whether
you’re a bumbling idiot (not naming any names) or not. If Haley were up against
Harris, there would be no chance of a Trump presidency. I could have relaxed
and not thought about US politics for at least another four years! That’s when
Trump could make his fourth run for president, or as it might be called on
the big screen: Groundhog Day Redux: MAGA Never Dies.
Trump makes us want to laugh (at him), our current movie is still quite
ominous. Current polling suggests this election will be a suspenseful thriller.
Just like in The Sixth Sense, where the audience is kept in the dark for
most of the movie, we may shockingly find out that... Trump sees dead people. I
mean, given the weird stuff he talks about lately, it wouldn’t surprise me.
thrives at making the unbelievable believable. He once suggested that injecting
oneself with bleach could fight the coronavirus. Even worse, he convinced a
third of Americans that the 2020 election was stolen from him. He accused his
own Republican vice president, Mike Pence, of betrayal for not overturning the
election’s results! This is insanity. If he wins, or even if he doesn’t, it
could be... Apocalypse Now.
hope is that it ends nothing like that dark Vietnam War film. Call me
idealistic, but I prefer stories of hope. I’m longing for a classic Star
Wars finale where good triumphs over evil. But we can never be sure. For all we know, this may be the
second film of a three-part trilogy like in The Empire Strikes Back, where
the Death Star (Trump Tower?) somehow gets rebuilt even stronger.
on past history, we should never fall for the headlines touting Trump’s demise.
I watched that 2016 film with horror. And, like about half of Americans, this time
I desperately want a different ending.
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